Thanksgiving Craft For Girls: Gratitude Chains

In a world bustling with screens, schedules, and seemingly endless distractions, teaching children the value of gratitude is a precious gift. These gratitude paper chains encourage girls to focus on thankfulness this Thanksgiving season. Beyond the colorful paper links and fun crafting, the act of showing gratitude is also shown to enhance mental and physical health, improve sleep, and elevate moods. This craft is sure to be a hit in your home!

Here’s what you’ll need:

- Fall-colored construction paper
- Markers
- Scissors
- Glue
- Ruler
- Fall/Thanksgiving stickers (optional)
How To Make Your Gratitude Chains:
Step 1: Decide how long you want your chain to be. Use a ruler to help make straight-drawn lines for your strips.

Step 2: Cut one-inch wide strips in all colors for the number of days until Thanksgiving. (We like to start on November 1, so we need 23 strips this year.)

Step 3: Discuss some ideas of things you are thankful for. Use a marker to write one thing down on each strip of paper.

Step 4: If you’d like, use the stickers to decorate each strip to give it a more festive look. If you don’t have stickers, you can draw your favorite fall shapes!

Step 5: Take one strip and secure the ends together with glue to make a circle shape.

Step 6: Take the next strip, and loop it through the first strip. Secure the ends with glue. Continue until all your strips are linked together.

Step 7: Find the perfect place to hang your chain. You can use the chain as a decoration or you can use it as a countdown to Thanksgiving.

Each day of November, you can tear a strip off the chain and discuss what you are thankful for. This is a perfect way to teach your child gratitude and celebrate the Thanksgiving season!