3 Empowering Video Read Alouds for Girls
MAY 26TH, 2020
We love reading to girls, but unfortunately we don't always have the time to read as much as we'd like to. As we continue distance learning, one of the things we've been enjoying is video read alouds—essentially videos of books read aloud. They're great for young brains and a good way for parents to find a few minutes to work on a project or take care of things around the house.
Today we're sharing three fun video read alouds with empowering stories:
1) Sulwe by Lupita Nyong’o
2) Born to Ride: A Story About Bicycle Face by Larissa Theule
3) I Will Be Fierce by Bea Birdsong
3 Empowering Video Read Alouds for Girls
MAY 26TH, 2020
We love reading to girls, but unfortunately we don't always have the time to read as much as we'd like to. As we continue distance learning, one of the things we've been enjoying is video read alouds—essentially videos of books read aloud. They're great for young brains and a good way for parents to find a few minutes to work on a project or take care of things around the house.
Today we're sharing three fun video read alouds with empowering stories:
1) Sulwe by Lupita Nyong’o
Sulwe tells the story of a girl that is unhappy with her appearance. As Sulwe searches for brightness, she learns that it is inside of her.
2) Born to Ride: A Story About Bicycle Face by Larissa Theule
This book tells the story of Louise Belinda Bellflower, a young girl living in New York in 1896. Girls aren’t aloud to ride bicycles, or even wear pants (!), but Louise is determined to give it a try.
3) I Will Be Fierce by Bea Birdsong
This book just oozes confidence! This story follows a girl as she mentally prepares to take on the day.
We hope you enjoy these videos!