5 Ways to Practice Acts of Kindness
November 8th, 2022

Now is the perfect time to practice acts of kindness, and to show girls that strength and kindness are not mutually exclusive. Practicing small acts of kindness can be fun, educational, and emotionally rewarding. Below are some of our favorite ways to practice kindness. To make sure girls get the most out of these activities, do them together. Kindness is contagious—she’ll benefit by practicing small acts of kindness and from seeing you model kindness, as well.
Spread Joy with Kindness Rocks
Break out the paints and collect a few rocks to create some Kindness Rocks, with bright colors and uplifting messages. Make these rocks as basic or creative as you like—it’s more about the heart and sentiment than making the perfect piece of art. The best part is going around your neighborhood and leaving them for someone to stumble upon. You never know whose day you might brighten with these sweet little messages of joy.
Help a Friend or Family Member
With family, it’s easy to get into a routine and forget to stop and recognize folks individually. Send a funny text, do a chore, FaceTime with a grandparent, feed your pet, or read your favorite book to someone. It’s amazing how far these simple little acts of kindness go in the lives of your loved ones. Doing something nice for a friend or family member will show you care and are thinking about them.
Do Something for Someone in Need
Encourage girls to think outside of their immediate circle of friends and family, and do something nice for someone they may not know as well. This might mean donating to a toy or food drive, picking up trash at a local park, doing yard work for an elderly neighbor, or helping cook a meal for someone who’s struggling or unwell. Teaching the importance of kindness in the community can provide a greater sense of belonging and self-esteem.
Read a Book About Kindness
We love it when we read a book to a girl and can see the wheels turning in her head as she thinks through it. Try reading a book about kindness and chatting about what it means to her. Check out The World Needs More Purple People by Kristen Bell and Benjamin Heart, or A Little SPOT of Kindness! from Hopscotch Girls friend Diane Alber. You can also find a bunch of book ideas on A Mighty Girl’s list of 22 Children's Books That Teach Kids to Be Kind.
Show Kindness to Yourself
This is a particularly great one to do together. Take a day to focus on being mindful of your inner dialog (how you talk to yourself). Challenge yourself to respond with kindness all day, showing yourself the same kindness you would extend to someone you love. For example, if you make a mistake and are tempted to be mad at yourself, respond with kindness instead. This is good for bringing awareness to how you treat yourself in general, and how girls see your behavior.This is a particularly important one to do together. Take a day to focus on being mindful of your inner dialog (how you talk to yourself). Practice daily affirmations together for example: “I accept all of me with love,” “I believe in myself,” or “I embrace positive thoughts.” Repeating daily positive affirmations to yourself can help cultivate a positive relationship with yourself.
Practicing acts of kindness is contagious and can provide a sense of community, belonging, and self-worth. We hope you have learned a thing or two about the importance of kindness and how starting with a simple act of kindness can have a major ripple effect on yourself and those around you!
Resources for Parents and Caregivers:
5 Ways to Practice Acts of Kindness
November 8TH, 2022

Spread Joy with Kindness Rocks
Break out the paints and collect a few rocks to create some Kindness Rocks, with bright colors and uplifting messages. Make these rocks as basic or creative as you like—it’s more about the heart and sentiment than making the perfect piece of art. The best part is going around your neighborhood and leaving them for someone to stumble upon. You never know who's day you might brighten with these sweet little messages of joy.
Help a Friend or Family Member
With family, it’s easy to get into a routine and forget to stop and recognize folks individually. Send a funny text, do a chore, FaceTime with a grandparent, feed your pet, or read your favorite book to someone. It’s amazing how far these simple little acts of kindness go in the lives of your loved ones. Doing something nice for a friend or family member will show you care and are thinking about them.
Do Something for Someone in Need
Encourage girls to think outside of their immediate circle of friends and family, and do something nice for someone they may not know as well. This might mean donating to a toy or food drive, picking up trash at a local park, doing yard work for an elderly neighbor, or helping cook a meal for someone who’s struggling or unwell. Teaching the importance of kindness in the community can provide a greater sense of belonging and self-esteem.
Read a Book About Kindness
We love it when we read a book to a girl and can see the wheels turning in her head as she thinks through it. Try reading a book about kindness and chatting about what it means to her. Check out The World Needs More Purple People by Kristen Bell and Benjamin Heart, or A Little SPOT of Kindness! from Hopscotch Girls friend Diane Alber. You can also find a bunch of book ideas on A Mighty Girl’s list of 22 Children's Books That Teach Kids to Be Kind.
Show Kindness to Yourself
This is a particularly important one to do together. Take a day to focus on being mindful of your inner dialog (how you talk to yourself). Practice daily affirmations together for example: “I accept all of me with love,” “I believe in myself,” or “I embrace positive thoughts.” Repeating daily positive affirmations to yourself can help cultivate a positive relationship with yourself.
Challenge yourself to respond with kindness all day, showing yourself the same kindness you would extend to someone you love. For example, if you make a mistake and are tempted to be mad at yourself, respond with kindness instead. This is good for bringing awareness to how you treat yourself in general, and how girls see your behavior.
We hope you enjoy these activities! Practicing acts of kindness is contagious and can provide a sense of community, belonging, and self-worth. We hope you have learned a thing or two about the importance of kindness and how starting with a simple act of kindness can have a major ripple effect on yourself and those around you!
Additional Resources for Parents and Caregivers: