Modeling a Healthy Body Image Over the Holidays

The holidays are coming! Between tricky family dynamics, all the work that goes into making the holidays fun/magical, and sooo much delicious food, it can be a trying time. It’s good to keep in mind that even though it’s the holidays, girls will still be watching us and learning from our behavior. That’s why we’ve put together these tips for modeling a healthy body image over the holidays.
1) Model Balance
Our relationship with food can be tested over the holidays. Many of us struggle to avoid overindulging in the delicious dishes and treats that make the holidays special. Others find themselves missing out on cherished traditions because they’re adhering to strict diets.
If it works for you (everyone’s situation is different), the holidays are a great time to model balance for girls. This means enjoying family traditions, but avoiding situations that will push us to negative self talk. If negative self talk (ex: “I feel so fat.”) is something you struggle with, imagine the girls in your life saying those same things about themselves. It’s easy to see how that kind of sentiment could impact the way a girl thinks about her own body.

2) Get Moving Together
Part of creating balance is staying active. Activities like walks and hikes are an opportunity to model balance for girls, fill time with family and bring everyone together. We’re big fans of hitting the trails as a family because there’s generally not much to do but take in your surroundings and chat. If you want more of a challenge, look for a turkey trot (usually a 5k race) or family fun run (usually 1-5k) in your community around the holidays.

3) Keep Things Simple
It’s easy to go overboard with the holidays and end up stressed. We recommend keeping things as simple and streamlined as possible, so you have time to enjoy being with loved ones, and don’t feel stressed.
If your family has so many traditions it’s tough to keep up with them, consider doing some of them ever-other year (which can make them feel even more special), or delegating some to other family members. After all, the holidays are about enjoying time together. It’s much easier to be a positive role model (and enjoy the holidays yourself) when you’re not overwhelmed.

The holidays are a special time, and an opportunity to do something positive for girls.
Modeling a Healthy Body Image Over the Holidays

The holidays are coming! Between tricky family dynamics, all the work that goes into making the holidays fun/magical, and sooo much delicious food, it can be a trying time. It’s good to keep in mind that even though it’s the holidays, girls will still be watching us and learning from our behavior. That’s why we’ve put together these tips for modeling a healthy body image over the holidays.
1) Model Balance
Our relationship with food can be tested over the holidays. Many of us struggle to avoid overindulging in the delicious dishes and treats that make the holidays special. Others find themselves missing out on cherished traditions because they’re adhering to strict diets.
If it works for you (everyone’s situation is different), the holidays are a great time to model balance for girls. This means enjoying family traditions, but avoiding situations that will push us to negative self talk. If negative self talk (ex: “I feel so fat.”) is something you struggle with, imagine the girls in your life saying those same things about themselves. It’s easy to see how that kind of sentiment could impact the way a girl thinks about her own body.

2) Get Moving Together
Part of creating balance is staying active. Activities like walks and hikes are an opportunity to model balance for girls, fill time with family and bring everyone together. We’re big fans of hitting the trails as a family because there’s generally not much to do but take in your surroundings and chat. If you want more of a challenge, look for a turkey trot (usually a 5k race) or family fun run (usually 1-5k) in your community around the holidays.

3) Keep Things Simple
It’s easy to go overboard with the holidays and end up stressed. We recommend keeping things as simple and streamlined as possible, so you have time to enjoy being with loved ones, and don’t feel stressed.
If your family has so many traditions it’s tough to keep up with them, consider doing some of them ever-other year (which can make them feel even more special), or delegating some to other family members. After all, the holidays are about enjoying time together. It’s much easier to be a positive role model (and enjoy the holidays yourself) when you’re not overwhelmed.

The holidays are a special time, and an opportunity to do something positive for girls.