Guide to Empowering Granddaughters
A Guide to Celebrate Grandmothers and Offer Some Fun, Easy Ways to Bond With Granddaughters.

Activities for Girls and the Grandmothers
Who Love Them
The relationship between grandmothers and granddaughters is a special one. Grandmothers play many different roles—fun-maker, caregiver, bruise-kisser, snuggle-giver, etc. They can be an important part of building girls up too—teaching them to be powerful, confident, resilient, and more.
There are a number of ways grandmothers can nurture their granddaughters as they grow. Grandmothers can be important role models that girls look to when learning about how to deal with challenges, conflicts and sticky situations. They can also offer valuable perspectives based on life experience, and help ensure that girls are surrounded by products that are good for them.
We created this guide to celebrate grandmothers, and offer some fun and easy ways to bond with granddaughters. You’ll find a few different features in this book:
We’ve rounded up a bunch of activities that are fun, build closeness and have a positive impact on girls. Most of the activities are low- or no-cost and don’t require a lot of experience.